If you were to get a sliver in your finger, another way to look at it would be that your physical body had an intrusion. You would extract the sliver with a pair of tweezers, and that would be a physical extraction. Just as your physical body can have an intrusion, your spiritual body may […]
Soul Retrieval
From a shamanic point of view, soul loss is about power loss. There are two main kinds of power loss. One is where a person’s power animal has moved on, and a new one hasn’t arrived to replace it. The signs of missing power are chronic types of problems like illness, misfortune, and tiredness. The […]
Journeying is an experience that begins from a trance state. There are already times in your life when you are in trance: when you are day dreaming, and when you are dreaming when you sleep. When you are day dreaming, you control where you are and with whom you speak. You control what you say […]
Note from Sandra Ingerman
Shamanic healing is a spiritual method of healing that deals with the spiritual aspect of illness. There are three common causes of illness in the shaman’s worldview. A person may have lost his or her power, causing depression, chronic illness, or a series of misfortunes. In this case, the shaman journeys to restore that person’s […]
Divination as defined by the Random House Dictionary, is “the attempt to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by occult or supernatural means. Prophecy.” There is evidence that divination has been around as long as Shamanism has. The tarot cards, looking for signs from nature (omens), interpreting of dreams, and journeying are all forms […]
Shamanic Coaching
I started to call this portion of what I do, “Shamanic Healing”. When I began to dialogue with other shamanic practitioners and with the spirits I realized that “coaching “seemed a more appropriate term. The truth of the matter is, I do not heal people or other beings. At best, I am a hollow bone, […]
My Healing Work

I would like to talk a little about what I have noticed with my shamanic work since I have been back. I have done four soul retrievals since I have been home and one depossession. The work is different for me, as the practitioner. I usually tape my sessions with the client, and give them the tape to […]
Life at Home

So, I would like to talk a little about my integration back into my normal life. I have been really lucky with this trip; my re-integration back into my family has been really good. My husband and I are getting along really well, and the relationship with my son seems to be about the same. That part seems […]
Now that I am home, remembering Africa

I have been home now for two and a half weeks, and thought you all might like to know how the final days worked out, and about my trip home. The last two days were spent on working with the herbs, and making muti. Thursday morning, P. H. finally blessed all of my spiritual things; my alter […]
The bones are inside of me!

Today has been a better day, and although I haven’t thrown the bones, I know that things will get better the more time I spend with them. Mamba told me on Saturday that I don’t have to “read” the bones, because they are inside of me: it’s the ancestors talking and once I get home, things […]